I’m Turning 40

I want to talk about HOW is it feel like to be ‘almost” Forty (for me).  This article is very personal to me; and yet, I feel so much Greatness around me now; compared to other ‘numbers’ of birthdays that I’ve celebrated.   1 – BYE-BYE “OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINION (OPP)” OPP has controlled half of my … [Read more…]

Silent Investors & Sleeping Partners

Just my personal sharing Few weeks ago, I received 6 messages from my friends (some never met me but we know each other through Facebook); asking me if they can be investors in my current & upcoming projects (some call it silent investor, some call it sleeping partner). After so many days and day and … [Read more…]

Effective Leadership

Good Leaders are Great at motivating their Team. They make sure that their team have innovative ideas and always be there for them. Nevertheless, there are, of course, many other things a Great Leader can and must pay attention to – in order to be an Effective Leader. Transparency and communication are qualities that are … [Read more…]

5 Reasons WHY Businesses Fail

Creating and building a Company look easy; neither it is something can happen overnight. It takes a lot of planning [what I mean is Strategic Planning]. To create, manage and makes money are important in any business. These are the TOP 7 Reasons WHY Most Businesses Fail:- Do It Yourself One of the Biggest Problem … [Read more…]


Yesterday, something unusual happened… and I feel like sharing my thoughts. It’s about INTEGRITY, in which, this is so important when it comes to business — or I should say, this is extremely important when it comes to human values. What is INTEGRITY? The simplest answers from the dictionary will be around honesty, being ethical … [Read more…]


When a person is happy, this person is already successful. WHY? How many of you want to work with happy people? But, how to be happy? Most people will ‘try’ to find out their weaknesses and polish them so that they can be perfect! In fact, what we have to do is to understand that … [Read more…]


It is very easy to ask other people to FOCUS! And when it’s our turn to FOCUS, and when we just have too many things to do at one GO – we are the one who is struggling to FOCUS. Looking at the tasks we have in hands, before making decisions – we have to … [Read more…]


Being a people-oriented person, I always believe in treating others well.  When you just started a business – you probably do things alone… as you grow and when you expand your business; you will probably have a team of people working with you. In general, your staff spend an average of between 4 – 10 hours at work.  That’s a … [Read more…]


Recently, I have a friend who asked me WHY I turn my clients into ‘real friends’.  The reason is simple – I want to see people grow in both areas – Personal and Business/Career.  Personally, I am not keen to create a “client-coach” relationship and … to “END” the relationship after the contract ends.  Therefore, I care about those … [Read more…]