Hello there, you are at the right place, you are in for a treat!
Big thank you for visiting my official website.
My name is Khing Wong. I am glad that I could share my insights, my work and articles through this website; I truly believe that you will benefit from them.
Typically, I work with entrepreneurs and business owners to systemize their businesses; we work together on the Marketing strategies, sales techniques and also the ‘human’ side of a business (which require some work too *laughs*).
Other than helping entrepreneurs and business owners to increase their income; I travel to speak on international stages and I train corporate people too. I have students from Germany, Australia, India, Indonesia, Korea, China, Taiwan, UK, Latvia, Czech Republic, Singapore, Vietnam…
I feel so blessed to be able to live my mission; to educate, inspire and empower people around the world to make more money, while doing charitable works together.