How to become a Good Business Coach

This article is about Becoming a Business Coach.  To be frank, not everyone can be a Business Coach.  And not all Business Coaches know what works in businesses.  It requires knowledge, skills, experience and the right attitude to be a great Business Coach.

How to be a Business Coach that add massive values to others?

If you want to be a Business Coach, you must add massive value, aren’t you?

How to be a Business Coach that constantly upgrading him/herself?

If you are a Business Coach, you have to constantly learn too, isn’t it?

How to be a Business Coach who is able to look into the strengths, weaknesses and problems in a business?

Being a Business Coach, you must be able to look at all areas in a business, isn’t it?

When you read all the above questions, you will probably noticed that Becoming a Business Coach looks easy but requires a lot of work. 

Add Massive Value

There are a lot of Business Coaches out there who enjoys upselling their services.  Most of my clients only paid me once and they stay with me for years.  I will still keep them posted of the latest strategies and business tactics to keep them uptrend.  I continue to add value to them so that they can constantly learn and grow.  There are bigger corporate clients who renew the coaching services with me, and we focus on other areas of the business.  I believe in adding massive value, I feel really good when I teach and see my clients & students grow!  Can you do the same?  Is money #1 to you? Will you continue to add value even your clients have stopped paying you? Do you treat your clients as your friends or just ‘another customer’?

Constant learning

I have mentioned in another article that I have 5 mentors, teaching me different aspect of business.  Sometimes, I get questions from others, asking me why I am still spending money to learn while I can just teach and earn money.  My intention is to learn and teach better.  I’m investing in my personal growth, I am not spending money.  I can use the same amount of money to buy a USD 30,000 Rolex or a USD 15,000 handbag but I choose to pay to learn.

The best part of continuous learning is that I am much updated and I learn more techniques that works from different mentors.  At times, I may be overwhelmed with information; therefore, I will calm myself down and localize some of the learnings so that I can share with all my clients (whom are my friends now!)

Ability to look into Strengths, Weaknesses and Problems in a Business

Sometimes, people would ask me, “What’s the #1 problem in businesses?”.  My answer is ‘attitude’.  You must be wondering what ‘attitude’ is to do with business.  Let me ask you, if you are a business owner who just want to make lots of money but you don’t nurture your customers and employees… do you think your business will grow?  If you keep complaining about the economy, do you think your ‘mindset’ will bring your business to another level?  If you don’t have good attitude, you become the weakness and the main problem in your Business.

However, not all business owners have attitude problem.  Some don’t have proper Business System, some don’t have guidance, some are lost because they have tried many tactics but nothing works well.  That’s why they need a Business Coach to guide them accordingly.

If you are interested to Becoming a Business Coach, send me an email at

I will show you how and what are the preparations.

Thank you!