Credibility is something that you have to earn.
Credibility cannot be bought.
Credibility means you are earning the trust, from others who work with you.
Credibility gives you respect, if you deserve it!
Here are 3 tips to gain credibility:-
1 – Keep adding value to others, show enthusiasm and passion in whatever you do. Just do not try too hard, people will know if you are insincere.
2 – People who work with us want to know whether they can count on us. Make a phone call or set up meetings to follow through. Remember to match your actions with your words.
3 – Do not jump into conclusions, listen first. When you start to make assumptions, this will turn people off. People want to be heard. When you fully understand the situation, you can speak with confident and take necessary actions too.
Be clear, respectful and truthful in all your work, you will earn respect. When you are consistently good, you will earn credibility.