Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Along the Journey

1 – Compare with others

Being an entrepreneur, means you are unique.  Most of us have competition; either we are selling the same products, providing the similar type of services… but that doesn’t mean that we are 100% the same.  It’s not about the product/service that we sell; it’s about US!  Means, it’s about YOU!

Comparing with others with the intention to learn and grow, that’s perfect!  However, if you are comparing with the wrong objective… you will be very demotivated because there must be someone out there who’s makes more money than you; doing what you do.

2 – Spend too much

We earn, we spend; this is normal.  That’s how money should flow.  But… hold a minute, that doesn’t means you can spend unnecessarily when you are making money in your business.  Save some money so that you can invest and expand your business.  Most entrepreneurs don’t make the profit they desire because they keep spending foolishly as they earn.

Pause… and re-look at your expenses and spending.  Be frugal but not stingy.

3 – Stay Conservative

Change is key in all businesses.  Can you imagine that you are using the same marketing strategies for the last 10 years?  We must always keep ourselves updated.  Check out the competition.  Look at our customers.  Read about the world!  Everything changes in split seconds.

Entrepreneurs must be able to re-structure their Marketing and Sales strategies from time to time.  Change the way you sell your product/service.  Re-strategize your business.

In business, we must be confident with ourselves and the decisions we make.  Allow room for mistakes.  Allow yourself to learn from mistakes.  Learn and grow.  Stay uptrend.